After the age of 60, one in four adults has a serious life-threatening fall. The ability to maintain balance and normal Neuro muscular performance for as long as possible is essential for Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, and dementia patients. Center Point exercises gently strengthen the whole body and can be done at home in conjunction with a caregiver. Balance, respiration, speech, swallowing, and memory deterioration can be slowed using moving, walking, breathing, and standing exercises which increase strength, coordination, and equilibrium.
Maintain your mental acuity and energy levels when dealing with high-stress jobs that demand excessive energy output and mental focus. Included are quick routines to restore focus, free exhausted attention, and boost energy. For exhausted workers seated wind down routines and meditations release stored tension to experience essential rejuvenating deep restful sleep.
The reduction of shallow chest breathing has the potential to maintain a healthy blood flow throughout the brain in conjunction with dietary supplementation and aerobic exercise. A gentle low impact approach that combines movement with breathing and meditation enables the individual to maintain healthy blood circulation throughout the brain and gradually restore function where it has been lost.
Use this recovery program before you go back to the gym or track to regain strength and complete range of motion. Reducing stress and increasing confidence enables the player to perform from a subconscious level, bypassing doubt or hesitation. Mobility can be rapidly improve while stiffness is reduced with little discomfort.
By focusing on the connection between the ground and the feet, and lowering your center of gravity you will greatly increase overall balance, coordination, spine, and leg strength. By synchronizing the upper body and lower body in conjunction with breathing, overall agility, flexibility, and speed can be greatly increased.
Gentle, simple, whole body movements done in conjunction with natural breathing reduce stiffness and pain while increasing flexibility your own pace. Movements may be done sitting, lying, standing, or walking, which enables each individual to develop a system uniquely design for them.
By slowing, lengthening, and deepening the breathing process, along with healthy lifestyle changes, stress on the heart can be significantly reduced, dramatically benefiting the cardiovascular system. When dietary improvement is combined with internal strength training and breathing exercises, heart function can be substantially improved.
Brain cell energy production can be greatly increased at the mitochondrial level. By increasing cellular respiration brain fog can be greatly reduced. Reducing inflammation throughout the body and brain as well as the enteric nervous system will improve the neuronal firing which controls memory and focus.
Releases tension, increases flexibility, and strengthens connective tissue. Many back issues are linked to emotional stress as well as injury. By releasing tension that is stored in muscles and nerves along the spine discomfort may be substantially reduced. Since every joint in the body is based on an underlying structure, aligning posture, breathing, and foot position can alleviate joint inflammation. Dietary improvement along with deep tissue breathing and trauma release can often result in pain-free movement.