Heartbreaker Rose Umbrella


This incredibly striking umbrella will protect you from UV, rain, and more.
It’s so damn cool, don’t loan it out, it’ll never come back! A pretty amazing gift, for you, or someone else if you want to be known as the best person ever.

Using heat sublimation technique to prevent discoloring, long-lasting effects.
Hefty rubberized handle provides a comfortable sturdy grip, sized in 11.42 inch.
Auto open close system, can operate it with one hand in one second.
Umbrella Dimensions: Closed Length: 11.42 inch, Coverage Diameter: 37.4 inch.

Type: 100% Polyester Pongee Waterproof Fabric
and Aluminium, 37.4″(W) x 24.4″(H) (8 Ribs)

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