Kimil from Uganda Chaisee from Thailand Sidi from Taiwan The Spades Community platform offers a safe and equitable environment for people from around the globe to earn, learn, and prosper using technology. Spades Community Currency Together, Everyone Prospers. Free accounts and access to the Spades Token, our Community-Based Cryptocurrency, are available now for everyone. Get your Free Account Now!
Our Mission Always Free, you can earn, and sell, learn, and teach. Make A Donation 1 It can be physical or digital! Sell things in a store or at an auction! 2 Even if you don't have anything to sell, we'll find something easy to sell and that pays well so you can profit. 3 Tickets for your own events or classes can be sold here, and people can pay you right here on the site. Earn money from people all over the world by sharing what you know.